Is Satan An Egregore?

Does Satan Even Exist? Egregore (sometimes spelled Egregor) is an esoteric concept representing a non-physical entity that arises from the collective thoughts of a distinct group of people. An incorporated business is an Egregore. The group of people who found a corporation set the initial purpose and values, but a corporation often outlives its founders… Continue reading Is Satan An Egregore?

Chaos Magic

Credit to: Carlos Alberto Cruz Neto..i think there is much confusion and deliberate misdirection regarding this topic, so i am going to share my opinion to clarify a few of these issues..first, people are generally born and indoctrinated into a specific set of paradigms (which amounts to a belief system, if this set of paradigms… Continue reading Chaos Magic


The “Elohim” were the “gods” who created us. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing… Continue reading Elite

The Records

We consider this universe to be 3D or Three Dimensional.  We think in terms of movement.  We can move in three axis.  We can move forward/backward, left/right, up/down.  An X,Y,Z coordinate system.   There is a fourth dimension to it though.  One over which we have NO control (ordinarily) and one which only moves in one… Continue reading The Records

Is This The End?

It is about time for the creator species to return to check on their creation. There are only a few possible outcomes. We impress them with our readiness as a species to be welcomed into the cosmic family. Ah…not ready yet…let it bake for while longer. Wipe out “most” and start again. Wipe out “all”… Continue reading Is This The End?

Categorized as Esoteric


Counterintelligence. What a strange word. It is an umbrella under which you will find false flag operations and controlled opposition. What it represents is a few different aspects of how to maintain control of the population. It uses Religion, Activism and various other visible and hidden operations to propagandize the people. One such use is… Continue reading Counterintelligence


From Charley Bushwacker Things as I see them The use of the name Lucifer in Genesis, an academic study. I wrote the following paper in the 1970’s when bean bag chairs were all the rage.Nothing has changed in the interim. I published it online later and invited criticism or comment and the following text contains… Continue reading Paulism

Getting Past The Censor, Taking Your Magic Back

With all the current understanding of “community standards” and post suppression or deletion on Facebook, Twitter and other “social media” accounts, now is a good time to discuss the Censor. I don’t address the individuals involved in implementing censorship in media, but the awareness of their work provides a ready framework for this topic. The… Continue reading Getting Past The Censor, Taking Your Magic Back

My Beliefs, In A Nutshell

I believe there is one creator over everything. I refer this creator as “THE ALL”. THE ALL is above gender and personality description. Above everything, as everything exists within the mind of THE ALL. I honor but do not worship. I respect but do not bow. I am as I have been created and exist… Continue reading My Beliefs, In A Nutshell