7 Lake Of Fire

~ And there is a Lake of Fire and the number thereof is seven. (There are) seven abysses of light, seven stars of brilliant light, and seven monstrances of light, the seven clouds of light, the seven grapes of the waters, the seven stones of ice, and the seven mountains of light which Enoch the son of Yared saw. And he heard the words of the angels, and thus the angels taught him.

~ In order to find out when Enoch the prophet was born, take four names of the moon, (and the names of) the seven windows of heaven, and two names of the sun, and his name, and the name of his son, and reject (divide) by seven, and there will remain seven exactly. That is the day of the birth of Enoch, on the seventh day of the month of Khadar.

-The Book of the Mysteries of the Heavens and the Earth