Those who know me from Facebook, The Matrix Minds Media and the few who do in real life, know at least a portion of my “story”. I’m going to put a good part of it here, just for reference. I was born a world traveler. My father grew up in west Texas, and got his… Continue reading About
The Dragon And The North Wind
A Scandinavian Tale All Scandinavians know and fear the North Wind. We have mostly westerly winds here in Denmark, but when the North Wind comes roaring, we have to seek shelter in our houses and light a fireplace or stove until its rage had been spent. But did you know we can, in a way,… Continue reading The Dragon And The North Wind
The Dragon And The Witch, Chapter 7
Self Healing When the Witch was young, about eleven years old, she was playing at the farm her adopted parents had. Doing the ignorant playful things of youth that often end badly. She was playing in the barn, which was well stocked with hay bales, when she lost her footing and fell from the top… Continue reading The Dragon And The Witch, Chapter 7
They Are Microwaving Us
This is a video I captured from Facebook a few weeks ago. It is a time lapse radar image of the signals being transmitted from Nexrad stations around the country. Notice that they are in populated areas, and power they are putting out at night is many times that necessary to get radar images of… Continue reading They Are Microwaving Us
Change Is In The Air
I have noticed recently that everything feels a bit off. Things seem to be backwards or sideways. My sense of direction is a bit wonky. I know where I am and where I am going, but it “feels wrong”. South feels like North. Everything is both familiar and strange at the same time. I feel… Continue reading Change Is In The Air
Marriage License
Laws governing marriage were some of the first laws in the Colonies, dating back to the Mayflower Compact. The reason for this is that a marriage is the joining of estates, and in order to prevent fraud a system of “notice and opportunity” was set. Notice in that the intent to marry was to be… Continue reading Marriage License
Life Is But A Dream
“All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” – Poe In the movie “Inception” the entire premise of it is that of a dream passing what seems like hours in but a few minutes. Stacking this by entering a “dream state” while in the dream, and then again results in… Continue reading Life Is But A Dream
Consciousness, Daemons and Magic
When you cast a spell, you may create a Daemon…a discreet unit of consciousness. Most such daemons have a limited span of existence, expiring when the spell accomplishes your intent…or fails to. Some spells are done quickly enough it may not be apparent that any consciousness left you at all. Such are projected intent and… Continue reading Consciousness, Daemons and Magic
Your Own Singularity
The entirety of your own existence is within your mind. Reality is that which you perceive and that which you conceive. The extremes of everything in this duality are within each of us. To rise above this duality is to become balanced and singular. To integrate your own darkness with your own light. To integrate… Continue reading Your Own Singularity
Schrödinger’s Consciousness
The Law Of One Erwin Schrödinger’s statement, “The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings,” holds profound relevance to Hermetic philosophy, as it points directly to one of the most central tenets of Hermetics: the concept of The All. In Hermeticism, The All… Continue reading Schrödinger’s Consciousness
7 Serpents
“The true clairvoyant never claims to be one. The masters of the Fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries are very humble and quiet. No student of occultism is a master. True masters are only those who have reached the Fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries. Before the Fifth Initiation nobody is a master.” “The first sacred serpent… Continue reading 7 Serpents