Overcoming Childhood

The principle expressed in the 22nd chapter of Proverbs, verse 6 of the Christian Bible describes how unlikely it is to shake off the concepts of reality we are given as children. “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he shall not depart from it.” This is… Continue reading Overcoming Childhood

My Death

To borrow a phrase from Mark Twain… Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I died a violent death on the Winter Solstice of 1981, in a very bad car accident. The irony of it is that I was IN the car to go donate blood. My right side was pretty much crushed. The… Continue reading My Death

Categorized as Esoteric

Local Tribal Gods

Have you ever wondered why different “peoples” around the world worship a similar, but different “God”? Consider that we are a created workforce for the creator species, who set themselves up as “gods”. It would be logical that the local “God” would be similar, but different, from the one who was considered “God” elsewhere. All… Continue reading Local Tribal Gods

Categorized as History

The Picture Is Coming Together

I have been delving into various schools of thought on “different” topics for a while, and the pieces are starting to fit like a puzzle. I am gathering the work of many individuals, and I doubt I will be able to mention all of them, but their work in their respective areas is instrumental in… Continue reading The Picture Is Coming Together

Categorized as History

The Veil

I have noticed in recent years an increase in people experiencing things which have always been referred to as “supernatural”. There is a reason for this. Now I’m going to go off the rails for some of you, but these are my thoughts. I believe that the veil between what we know as “life” here… Continue reading The Veil

Categorized as Existence

Breaking Free

I was once a KJV Only bible thumper. It took my death to break me free from that cult. The God of the Bible as stated therein is a narcissistic sociopathic genocidal maniac. The very idea of praising such a being for all eternity describes HELL with clarity. The creator of the Universe (and any… Continue reading Breaking Free

More On Toroidal Fields

Previously, I presented how everything is connected by the toroidal fields of energy all things seem to have. I have since learned that such is not the entire case. Everything doesn’t just “have” a toroidal energy field, but is actually made of toroidal fields. I have found that which Tesla was speaking of when he… Continue reading More On Toroidal Fields

Flight Of The Navigator

Do you remember this movie? Young David Freeman is out in the woods near his home in Fort Lauderdale when he falls down a ravine and is knocked unconscious. Waking up he finds that the world around him has advanced by 8 years but he hasn’t. After being reunited with his overjoyed parents, it becomes… Continue reading Flight Of The Navigator

Categorized as Existence