Local Tribal Gods

Have you ever wondered why different “peoples” around the world worship a similar, but different “God”? Consider that we are a created workforce for the creator species, who set themselves up as “gods”. It would be logical that the local “God” would be similar, but different, from the one who was considered “God” elsewhere. All… Continue reading Local Tribal Gods

Categorized as History

The Picture Is Coming Together

I have been delving into various schools of thought on “different” topics for a while, and the pieces are starting to fit like a puzzle. I am gathering the work of many individuals, and I doubt I will be able to mention all of them, but their work in their respective areas is instrumental in… Continue reading The Picture Is Coming Together

Categorized as History

Slave Species Of The Gods

I have considered that man is a project at University. What if however you think of the project in far less human focused terms. You might reach another conclusion. If we were created as a slave species for the express purpose of mining, refining and stockpiling gold, it makes a little bit more sense. Assume… Continue reading Slave Species Of The Gods

The World’s First Family

This video explains much about the confusion that exists on the Earth today. DNA shows that the Basque region is where “modern” civilization started. Basically it is the cradle of humanity. This copy of the video is only in mp4 format which may not play on all systems. Apple/iPhone may need to enable “non free”… Continue reading The World’s First Family

Forgotten Recent History

The West’s controlled mass media vomits endless lies & propaganda demonizing Putin & Russia – falsely claiming Putin invaded Ukraine “for no reason” or because he’s a megalomaniac bent on building a new Russian Empire. Reality: the interests controlling western governments & NATO are to blame for the war in Ukraine. Forgotten history: in 1990… Continue reading Forgotten Recent History

Categorized as History

January, Janus

The Hidden Meaning of the New Year The Jesuits and a particular Jesuit named Christopher Clavius would write, design and create the calendar that we use today, called the Gregorian calendar introduced in 1582 by Clavius and Pope Gregory XIII. Now they also put a another holiday on that calendar called April Fool’s Day..why? Well… Continue reading January, Janus

Twice Born

The Ritual of the Twice Born ~These things must not be entrusted to common folk, neither must they be degraded by disclosing them to such as would profane them. They were once reserved for those who were exalted in wisdom and virtue. In those days of Harempta, Mouth of God on Earth, they were hidden… Continue reading Twice Born

The Ba’al Theory Of Christianity

Do we have it all wrong?Look at the characteristics of the Biblical god “Yahweh” and look at the Sumerian creator/god Enlil. It becomes pretty obvious that these are the same entity. Now look at Ba’al and Enki/Ea. These appear to be likewise. If you can’t play these, the source material can be found here.

The Ones Who Rule The World

The Jesuits For four hundred years the great Jesuit army that trained me, mentored me, educated me, groomed me.. has been fighting their covert war for absolute control of the world. A masterful army of spies and assassins they have, in the past, been expelled from every country in Europe. They have arranged nearly every… Continue reading The Ones Who Rule The World

Categorized as History

Human Origins

Humanity is an engineered species. The evidence is on chromosome 2. Also, look here for some more details on Chromosome 2. Not only engineered, but hybridized as well. The engineers were one alien species. The hybridizers were others…I think up to three other species have contributed their DNA to the mix. The original engineers used… Continue reading Human Origins