The Picture Is Coming Together

I have been delving into various schools of thought on “different” topics for a while, and the pieces are starting to fit like a puzzle.

I am gathering the work of many individuals, and I doubt I will be able to mention all of them, but their work in their respective areas is instrumental in the gathering of the pieces which make up the whole story.

Erich von Däniken’s book “Chariots Of The Gods” was probably the first hint for me. I read it and the two that followed sometime in the late 70’s, when I was still in High School. These books planted the seed in my mind of the physical evidence that what we were being taught in Sunday School, School, and “science” itself was simply not the truth.

I learned as a child about such things as cold, darkness, straight lines and solid matter. Now that I am no longer a child, I know that none of those things exist. As it turns out, Tesla was right. Everything IS vibration. More than just vibration though, but resonant toroid shaped magneto-electric-gravitational vibration. There are no actual particles. Now this begs the question as to what a “particle accelerator” actually does. Remember this.

Sitchin’s “Lost Book Of Enki” lays out a groundwork of the creation of man, but appears to be presenting a false narrative as to the reason the creator species needs the Gold. “Needs” as in present tense, for they still “need” it.

You can age trees by counting rings.
You can age fossils by carbon 14 dating.
You can age things that develop a patina by how thick the patina.

The stones of Adam’s calendar are Dolerite and Hornfels.

Hornfels develops a patina at about 1 micron per 1000 years.
The stones at Adam’s Calender of interest are Hornfels, quarried and transported from elsewhere as there is none nearby…the stone itself is almost impossible to carve as it tends to break only with extreme force or heat, and then in an uncontrolled fashion. It is formed with volcanic temperatures and remaining under pressure as it cools resulting in the metamorphic nature of the stone.

The Patina of the “original” surface of the stone indicates the age of the original quarrying. The patina in later fractures tells the age of the fracture. The patina on breaks in some of the stones indicate that they broke between 100 and 200 thousand years ago. The general patina on the quarried surfaces goes back much farther, and my best guess is between 300 and 700 thousand years.

Now if the purpose of Adam’s Calendar was an energy collector, it is noteworthy that it still collects energy. Perhaps this energy was used to transfer mined Gold to an orbiting ship for transport. That is pure conjecture on my part at this point, but appears to be what was intended in the tablets which became the “Lost Book of Enki”.

Adam’s Calendar. The one stone is “Horus” statue, looking at the three stones. The three stones align with Orion’s belt.

The place is called locally “Inzalo ye Langa” or “Birthplace of the Son”, and is believed by many to be where man was created. Credit and a callout to Michael Tellinger for his work on fleshing out Adam’s Calendar and the network of similar sites in South Africa.

Now put this together with the Lost Book Of Enki, and you get the probable location of the engineered worker called “man”. This would be first creation of a “workable” mine worker, and would have NOT included a female for reproduction ability. It would have included the desire to worship a “God” provided by the “God Gene” or VMAT-2. It would also have included the desire to mine, refine and collect Gold…a.k.a. “Gold Fever”. It is not known at this time the particular gene related to this, if such is even the case. It would have been intelligent enough to use tools and communicate at a rudimentary level at least.

The lab created “man” was gestated by Annunaki females, the “Seven Daughters of Eve” who are obviously misnamed as they came well before Eve. It is these “baby factories” who eventually tired of it and the decision was made to “make man in our image…male and female”. This led to the creation of the “Garden of Eden” as an outdoor laboratory and the first breedable human female. It is likely that this was Lilith, as many mystic traditions tell it, including Hebrew lore.

Whether or not this was at Giza is not readily apparent, but what was at Giza was her sarcophagus. Perhaps this is where she went when she left the “Garden”.

Her eyes are mother of pearl inlaid with gold. This sarcophagus also shows a three toed image like the relief above. It is unlikely that you will ever see another picture of this as the “authorities” murdered six men and squirreled it away under cover of midnight to keep it secret. Learn more about Giza at

It is apparent from relief carvings and statues that Lilith was a single individual. I think that the Venus of Duseldorf (or Willendorf) may be a figure representing Lilith as well. She is chubby and large breasted, and the “feet” appear to be broken off or not represented at all (how convenient…we can’t tell if they were three toed or five).

Whether it is representative of Lilith the person after many, many children or just “woman” in general it is difficult to say. All that is published is that figurine is some sort of fertility symbol, which Lillith most certainly was.

Nevertheless, after Lilith was no longer in the Garden, the creator species made another breedable female human but this time using the man’s DNA. This is not the “rib” of the Biblical “story”, but the “curve” of the man’s DNA…and the result was Eve. Now whether or not Eve was a single individual or a “model” of female is neither clear nor important.

At any rate, we appear to have a more full story of the creation of mankind, lining up with Sitchin’s translation of the Cuneiform tablets AND the physical evidence.

Now to address the Gold, or the ‘need’ for it. For this I give a hat tip to Dan Winter. According to Dan, the Draco/Annunaki are actually from the Orion system and not Planet “X” or Niburu (unless that is a name for a large spherical space craft…which is a possibility), and the Gold is not to “fix their atmosphere”, but for a far more sinister reason. See my post Flight of the Navigator for my thoughts here.

What remains to be seen is if we can survive our next encounter with the creator species. They may return soon…except there is reason to believe that some of them never left, and are the “Men without faces” at the very top of the pyramid of those who run things. As long as there is Gold here, they wish to continue this “Project”.

Notable Researchers who’s work has contributed to my understanding:

  • Zacharia Sitchen – For his work with the Sumerian Tablets
  • Erich von Däniken – For starting down the path of the evidence
  • Michael Tellinger – For his work in South Africa with Adam’s Calendar and similar sites and his work with “sacred stones”
  • Richard Gabriel – For his work at Giza, uncovering hidden evidence of ancient human history
  • Paul Wallis – For his work with interpretation of Scripture and the resulting validation of Extra Terrestrial involvement with humanity
  • Dan Winter – For his work with the energetic, fractal nature of … everything