The Veil

I have noticed in recent years an increase in people experiencing things which have always been referred to as “supernatural”. There is a reason for this.

Now I’m going to go off the rails for some of you, but these are my thoughts.

I believe that the veil between what we know as “life” here and our existence “outside” of this reality has been powered down. This veil was setup for a reason, but that reason is in its final stages. I believe it powered down in 2012, but has taken since then to come to a complete stop, and has not yet even done so. It is “technology”, but not of this dimension, and of a magnitude we can only think of in “Science Fiction” terms. This veil has not been opaque to everyone as some of us have seen through it our entire lives…and some only able to perceive through it recently. Many like myself had ready access through it in our youth, but “learned” that it was not “real” as we matured and stopped. Opening back up these things of youth is not easy, but that is where I am. It will get easier as the veil grinds to a complete halt.

The bulk of mankind has been limited to the five physical senses though, and has usually rejected those of us who see more as being “childish”, “touched”, “insane” or otherwise abnormal.

Our physical senses only receive a tiny slice of the spectrum of frequencies of both light and sound, and we don’t have a well recognized or understood perception of the subtler vibrations of energy which actually make up the substance of reality…the megneto-resonance of the toroidal fields which make up “matter” and connect all of creation as the substance of the vacuum of space, which was formerly called the Aether.

Remote viewing…being able to perceive and even impact things well out of the range of our physical senses…is indeed real though. The government even admitted it in the movie “Third Eye Spies”, which can be found on YouTube or here:

We are ever learning though, and recent breakthroughs in scalar waves are opening new areas of understanding and exploration in speeds beyond the speed of light…unimaginable a mere century ago. The science fiction of Star Trek and Warp Drive and such are actually closer to reality than most are ready to accept.

This has been an interesting “School Project” to be involved in, I call it Project Earth/Project Human. The “semester” is coming to a close. This is not the first round of such. Previous rounds had less of a veil and extrasensory perception and operation was more prevalent and accepted. The old stories of magic which are told as “Fiction” concerning things like Middle Earth, Mordor and such are not mere fantasy, but rather memory of past rounds where competing “tribes”, species or whatever of human with differing magic abilities fought for dominance.

In recent times I have begun to work with Magic overtly. I have recognized it passively most of my life, in particular associated with weather and spontaneous open visions from time to time, but I have consciously been expanding my efforts with some intriguing results in additional areas.

I commissioned the binding of a book in which to record my journey. A Grimoire or Book of Shadows if you wish. I had the book bound by Olive L Sullivan, of Sullivan Book Arts in Pittsburg, Kansas. I am well pleased with her work and only hope to fill it with things worthy of such an heirloom quality piece.

My initial work in this area is in Sigil Magic, starting with what is described in Practical Sigil Magic by Frater U∴D∴ on the work of Austin Osman Spare. It is with the Sigil construction method described therein that I created my profile image, which is a Sigil of “me”.

I post here because I wish to invite those who read my posts along for my journey of discovery as I unwind the layers of who I am…what we are as a species…and prepare for what lies ahead.