The Left Path

I gained a different perspective on the Left Path the other day. Previously, I have described the paths as: Left Start shit. Middle Start no shit.Take no shit. Right Take shit. This sums it up fairly well, and MOST people actually walk the middle path unintentionally. The Right path is put forth as desirable, and… Continue reading The Left Path

My Death

To borrow a phrase from Mark Twain… Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I died a violent death on the Winter Solstice of 1981, in a very bad car accident. The irony of it is that I was IN the car to go donate blood. My right side was pretty much crushed. The… Continue reading My Death

Breaking Free

I was once a KJV Only bible thumper. It took my death to break me free from that cult. The God of the Bible as stated therein is a narcissistic sociopathic genocidal maniac. The very idea of praising such a being for all eternity describes HELL with clarity. The creator of the Universe (and any… Continue reading Breaking Free

The Turning

The Exoteric (outward, public, easily accessible) Christian Church did everything in its power to eradicate the Esoteric (private, little known) Christian Church. The culmination of this effort was seen in the burning of the library at Alexandria. It is said that the burning lasted six months, such was the volume of literature destroyed. All that… Continue reading The Turning

A Look At Chaos Magic

What is Chaos Magic? First we have to realize that in this topsy-turvy world, good is bad, wrong is right, up is down, weakness is strength and so forth. Let’s start with the words themselves. Chaos has been given a bad name. It is assumed by many to mean wild and disorganized. This is a… Continue reading A Look At Chaos Magic

Getting Past The Censor, Taking Your Magic Back

With all the current understanding of “community standards” and post suppression or deletion on Facebook, Twitter and other “social media” accounts, now is a good time to discuss the Censor. I don’t address the individuals involved in implementing censorship in media, but the awareness of their work provides a ready framework for this topic. The… Continue reading Getting Past The Censor, Taking Your Magic Back

Fight, Flight or Coffee?

I used to work in a big IT Services firm in the DFW area. There was this one fellow I worked with who demonstrated behavior consistent with the shallow, “macho” man. He seemed to think he was some sort of a badass. I didn’t work directly with him, but we were in the same building… Continue reading Fight, Flight or Coffee?