Lucifer. Means “light bringer/bearer”. Knowledge is equated with light. Why would Lucifer be the “bad guy”? The only way it adds up is if God wanted us ignorant.
This appears to be the case when God was unhappy that we knew we were naked. “Who has told you you were naked?” Really? Did the God of the Bible want us too ignorant to know we were naked?
Apparently. This is the FIRST noted time when man being intelligent was considered to be a BAD THING by the one presented as God.
Then we were modified to live a maximum of around 120 years as opposed to the near 1000 we appeared to live prior to that event.
Shortening our lifespan was apparently not enough to satisfy the God who wanted us ignorant, because we still managed to build a “Tower that reached into Heaven”, which is in reality a space port. Think Cape Canaveral. God’s response? Scramble our language and scatter us.
Why is God so opposed to mankind’s advancement? Does it threaten him? Does it threaten to expose him for the narcissistic genocidal sociopath he seems to be according to the Bible?