More On Toroidal Fields

Previously, I presented how everything is connected by the toroidal fields of energy all things seem to have. I have since learned that such is not the entire case. Everything doesn’t just “have” a toroidal energy field, but is actually made of toroidal fields. I have found that which Tesla was speaking of when he… Continue reading More On Toroidal Fields

Formula 833

Some time ago, I was watching a video of some guys doing something I found of interest. I don’t even remember what it was, but while they showed this they shared a Chelation formula they used. Something told me “remember this, you’ll need it”. I obtained the ingredients and mixed some up. I took some… Continue reading Formula 833

Toroidal Fields

There is a topic which has been rolling around in my head for a while. I found a post from a friend on Facebook that said it well. “Phenomenal research has been done to show what the different toroidal shapes look like of different letters and sounds – especially vowels, then as we speak, these… Continue reading Toroidal Fields

Covid-19 Was Never A Virus

Coronavirus literally translates as “The Pope’s Venom”. 19 Toxic venom proteins in King Cobra venom, which is another translation of “Coronavirus”. Covid-19?

Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory

“Louis Pasteur was a French chemist-turned-microbiologist, who proved the existence of microbes in air. His pioneering studies laid the foundation for the modern-day understanding of diseases, their etiology as well as vaccine development.” How that quotation is interpreted—whether as high praise or condemnation—depends on the perspective. Pasteur was not the only scientist who delved into the… Continue reading Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory

Categorized as Science

What Is A Platinum Darwin Award? [Warning: This is DARK HUMOR]

We all know what a Darwin Award is, but just for clarity. Darwin Award: Given posthumously to people who do something stupid which results in their death before they have children. It is a recognition for their effort to improve humanity by removing stupid genes from the gene pool. Now for the Platinum Darwin Award.… Continue reading What Is A Platinum Darwin Award? [Warning: This is DARK HUMOR]

Music Is Corrupted

Via Ja PhathyteA repost of mine about frequencies.Frequency: DNA Tuning and the Bastardization of MusicI have mastered cymatics since I was 17.A=440Hz: Not Quite Music to My EarsHumankind is the largely unwitting victim of a frequency war on our consciousness that has been waged for decades, if not millennia. The goal has clearly been to… Continue reading Music Is Corrupted