The Dragon And The Witch

A short story about two very different creatures who discovered themselves together. Once upon a time, there was this Dragon. He was a pretty good Dragon, although he had his faults. One day, he was minding his own business, seeking to play a game to pass some time, when what should cross his path but… Continue reading The Dragon And The Witch

Categorized as Stories

Fight, Flight or Coffee?

I used to work in a big IT Services firm in the DFW area. There was this one fellow I worked with who demonstrated behavior consistent with the shallow, “macho” man. He seemed to think he was some sort of a badass. I didn’t work directly with him, but we were in the same building… Continue reading Fight, Flight or Coffee?

What Is A Platinum Darwin Award? [Warning: This is DARK HUMOR]

We all know what a Darwin Award is, but just for clarity. Darwin Award: Given posthumously to people who do something stupid which results in their death before they have children. It is a recognition for their effort to improve humanity by removing stupid genes from the gene pool. Now for the Platinum Darwin Award.… Continue reading What Is A Platinum Darwin Award? [Warning: This is DARK HUMOR]