The Dragon And The Witch – Chapter 2

The Magical Child

Now we know that when the Dragon left the Woodlands for a time, the Witch married. During her marriage, she conceived a child. Now this came as quite a surprise as the Woodlands physicians had told her that it was extremely unlikely that she could have children. Nevertheless, it happened. When the Dragon learned of her being with child, he congratulated her while all the time secretly wishing that he were the father.

The Witch’s husband was called away on a quest, and being her good friend, the Dragon visited with the Witch many times while the child grew inside of her. Finally the day came and she delivered a beautiful baby girl.

When she delivered, in order to keep up appearances, the Dragon did not visit her that day but rather waited until the next. Nevertheless, the Witch’s husband’s mother accused the Dragon of visiting the Witch and her newborn child just to see if the child “looked like him”. Now such an accusation was completely unfounded, for even though the Dragon felt strongly for the Witch he had kept their relationship strictly as “friends”. In fact, over the years of their friendship the Dragon had only made physical contact with the Witch on three separate occasions, none at the intimate level such as would conceive a child.

Now when the Witch’s husband left her, and the Dragon told her of his love and desire to be with her, he included her daughter in that desire and fully intended to raise her as his own. It did not take long for it to become apparent that this was no ordinary child, but was indeed a Magical Child. Being the child of a Witch, this was really no surprise.

Now we know that the Witch was not raised by her kind, and was more or less unaware of many of the things being a Witch involved. The Dragon and the Witch decided to raise her child knowing that she was magical and encouraging the exploration of what that meant.

One of the things the Magical Child found was that her mere presence would often awaken sleeping spirits. She would be invited for a sleepover at a friend’s house and afterwards the friend’s house would be haunted. The haunting spirit had been there all along, but was asleep. Merely by spending the night there, the Magical Child would awaken the sleeping spirit. Her friends stopped inviting her for sleepovers, as they were unprepared for the activity which would follow.

Now one of the things the Dragon could do was to change the weather. He would normally use this power to send storms away from his castle, or have them simply stop being storms. He would do this by the use of a Black Scrying Mirror. He would use the Mirror to see where the storms were going to go and how big they were going to be. He would wave his hand over the Mirror and alter the storms to be more to his liking. He would break them up into small gentle showers or send them on another path, away from his Castle.

The Magical Child learned to do the same. Even though she was not his biological child, their relationship was so close that she absorbed this ability.

Now the Magical Child’s spirit was not typical for Earthbound creatures, and her more or less normal Woodlands body was not a good fit. She would often take ill in ways that perplexed the Woodlands Physicians. Dragons are Magical creatures as well though, and this particular Dragon had the power of healing in his hands. Furthermore, the Dragon was also naturally gifted with an understanding of certain herbal and magical remedies. Between the trained Woodland Physicians and the Dragons healing powers, remedies and magic, the Magical Child’s Woodlands body learned over time to be a suitable container for her powerful spirit.

Nevertheless, the needed treatments for the Magical Child were quite expensive, and used up much of the Dragon’s treasure. What sort of parent would he be though if he was not willing to expend all of his resources on his child’s needs? Besides, to the Dragon, the Magical Child was a treasure far more valuable than any of his trinkets.

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