The Dragon And The Witch

A short story about two very different creatures who discovered themselves together.

Once upon a time, there was this Dragon. He was a pretty good Dragon, although he had his faults. One day, he was minding his own business, seeking to play a game to pass some time, when what should cross his path but a lovely young Witch. She was a good Witch too, but had a very difficult time accepting that such was possible…being a Witch and being good at the same time seemed to her rather odd. So she tried very hard to NOT be a Witch, but it is exceedingly difficult to not be what you are.

Completely without intending to, she bewitched the Dragon merely by passing in front of him. The Dragon wanted very much to be with the Witch, or at least to learn why she was so beguiling without trying to be, so he followed her. Being a gentle Dragon, he befriended her. Unlike most of her friends, he encouraged her to simply be herself, and not to try and hide or hide from the things she could do as a Witch.

Several of the male creatures in the woods were simply smitten with her, and would follow her around seeking a way to catch her eye. You see, no matter how hard she tried to not BE a Witch, she could not help bewitching the male creatures of the woods. Often while just walking, one of them would turn completely around and follow her, attempting to engage her in conversation.

Now among the things she could do was read other creatures’ minds and intentions and to feel what they were feeling. This left the male creatures in the woods at a distinct disadvantage, as their inner most thoughts and desires were an open book to her. Often, when one of the male woods creatures would follow her, she would have to run and hide from them…knowing what their thoughts were, and wanting nothing to do with them.

Dragons are difficult to read though, and this particular Dragon was not to be read in the least having been well practiced at being unreadable. This was a good thing, as there were things about being a Dragon which were not something a Witch would want anything to do with. Keeping the Witch unaware of those things was a good thing as far as the Dragon was concerned. Some years passed and the Dragon and the Witch became very good friends. All the while the Dragon was secretly madly in love with the Witch, but he did not want to risk losing her friendship by telling her so.

The worst day ever for the Dragon was the day the Witch told him of her marriage. The Dragon had had to leave the woods for a while, and the Witch was so deprived of his company that she said yes to the first woods male creature who asked her hand. When the Dragon heard her say this, his heart and countenance sank. Nevertheless, the Dragon remained friends with the Witch. It was not in his heart to just let her go on with life, and even if only as a friend, he wanted to be part of it.

Then came the day that the Witch’s husband ran off to be away from her. They were never meant to be together anyway, and it truly was bound to happen. Perhaps it was the hope of this that made the Dragon stay friends with the Witch. In any case, the moment the Dragon heard of the Witch’s husband’s departure, he dropped everything and ran to her side. He confessed his love for her and his desire to be with her for the rest of their lives. Now this was all new and strange to the Witch who had only ever thought of the Dragon as a friend before. They spent some time getting to know each other with her new knowledge of how he felt about her.

One late night…well, actually long into the morning…at a local always open eatery where the Dragon and the Witch were passing time as friends, the Dragon let down his walls…just for a moment…and allowed the Witch to see and feel how much he loved her. Now the Witch was accustomed to seeing and feeling what others felt, but the Dragon’s love for her was so strong that she almost fell to the floor upon feeling it. While the Witch had had the woods male creatures smitten with her before, she had never felt such strong love as the Dragon had for her.

And so began their life together…the Dragon and the Witch.

Now the ways of Dragons and the ways of Witches are not exactly the same, and over time they had their fair share of disagreements. Nevertheless, the Dragon’s love for the Witch proved more than enough motivation for him to change many of his Dragon ways. Were it not for his love of the Witch, he would be nothing more than a crotchety old Dragon as he aged, never knowing the finer things of love.

For many years the Dragon kept the Witch in his castle fortress, for she found it a safe place to be away from the male woods creatures who were ever bewitched by her and would do almost anything for a chance to be with her. As the Dragon encouraged the Witch to be who she was, the time eventually came that she ventured out from behind the walls of his fortress. Being a Witch, she had powers which she had only a slight inclination of what they were and what she could do. You see, she was not raised by her kind, but by some very down to earth people. Farmers in fact. They raised chickens, pigs, cows and grew crops…corn, wheat, beans and a general garden…all of the normal, down to earth things that a farmer would grow and raise. While it was a relatively safe place to be, it certainly was no place for a Witch to learn about what being a Witch meant.

While encouraging the Witch to discover what it meant to be a Witch, the Dragon also discovered many things about being a Dragon which he did not know before.

You see, life is a journey of discovery. Along the way you discover many things…some wonderful…some horrible…many things that simply are. You also discover who YOU are, which is the most important discovery of all. Having someone with you who helps you discover who you are rather than trying to make you into who they think you should be is the best gift of all. And even when you discover something about you that you just don’t like, you can change…not who you are, but what you do.

You see, a Witch cannot help but to be a Witch…but the choice of being a good Witch or a bad Witch is every Witch’s choice to make. Likewise, a Dragon cannot help being a Dragon…but a Dragon can be a good Dragon or a bad Dragon. So whatever you are, simply be what that is and choose be a good … whatever you are.

For such purpose is why you were made.

Chapter 2 >

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