Counterintelligence. What a strange word.
It is an umbrella under which you will find false flag operations and controlled opposition.
What it represents is a few different aspects of how to maintain control of the population.
It uses Religion, Activism and various other visible and hidden operations to propagandize the people. One such use is to distract them into waiting for a “savior” or a “leader” of some sort to “lead them” into whatever form of revolution they seek. Such a “movement” is also used to discredit any other such “movement”. By running the opposition, the ones in power can guarantee their failure.
Now, let’s apply that to Religion.
I use Christianity as my example because it is the one with which I am most familiar, but any Religion which teaches a coming “savior”, “king” or other “leader” or “Caliphat” is similar.
“Jesus is returning as King and Savior”. What does that concept cause to happen…or rather to NOT happen? It causes the people to suffer whatever abuses the Powers That Be (PTB) choose to use with a prayer…”Jesus, come quickly”…rather than to refuse the abuse and rise up and take out the abusers.
Furthermore, Christianity makes the absurd claim that the people in power are there because “God” chose them to be. This is as absurd as some “Divine Right Of Kings”. The very fact that there have been some absolutely horrific “leaders” of many nations over the years says one of two things. Either God is Evil or He really doesn’t choose them. That is a tad off topic though.
The concept of “White Hats” working behind the scenes for the benefit of the people is promise of a “present” savior. “Prophecies” about a coming “Savior” are just that…a promise of something in the future. Both a present…but controlled…savior and a “promise of a future” savior encourage the abused to suffer abuse…just a little longer.
Yes, I consider Religion a Counterintelligence operation.
When do we say “Enough!”?