Is This The End?

It is about time for the creator species to return to check on their creation. There are only a few possible outcomes.

  1. We impress them with our readiness as a species to be welcomed into the cosmic family.
  2. Ah…not ready yet…let it bake for while longer.
  3. Wipe out “most” and start again.
  4. Wipe out “all” of them and return Earth to a state of “wild”.
  5. Take the ones who are “ripe” away before 3 or 4.

Personally, I believe 3 has been a done time or two before, and it is a likely result again.

It is possible that 5 then 3 has been done before, which would explain the “disappearance” of huge numbers of people in the past leaving only ruins of their cities…not the thousands of skeletons that massive casualties would have left.

I’m not optimistic of 1. I consider it extremely unlikely at this point.

I don’t see 2 either as we are too advanced in our technology to remain isolated for another bake cycle.

This leaves 3 or 4 and the possibility of 5 followed by 3 or 4.

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