Personalizing God – A Recipe For Insanity

Thinking of God as a person (anthropomorphizing) has been the cause of much suffering. Trying to be “pleasing” to a human like personality is the primary cause of a great deal of war, killing etc. From the individual death of a single “sacrificial offering” to the genocidal Jihads or Holy Wars or Crusades or Inquisitions of many of the World’s “Religions”, the carnage is unfathomable. Certainly all three of the major “Abrahamic” faiths are guilty, and prior “civilizations” are also known for their human sacrifices and wars all in the “name of God”.

Confining our concept of God to something like a “Person” has done our creator (which I refer to as THE ALL) a great disservice, and set us up to actually do and be evil. “God told me to” has been used to excuse all manner of atrocities over the course of human history. Abraham set out to sacrifice his son because “God told me to”. “Gott mit uns” or “God is with us” is a motivational concept of justification for otherwise inexcusable behavior.

The creative force behind the Universe is NOT a “person”. Think about it a moment. Why would the creator of the Universe need or want some of creation to destroy some other of creation?

Destroying something for reasons of survival is one thing. We have to eat. The cycle of being a carbon based life form requires it. All such life lives off of the death of other life, be it animal or vegetable.

However, to engage in the wanton destruction of anything is indicative of mental disorder. To claim that doing so is the desire of God more than borders on insanity…it is straight up insane.

Has man learned NOTHING over the millennia of our existence?

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