The Dragon And The Witch – Chapter 4

Discovery And Acceptance

Being as the Witch was not raised by her kind, she really didn’t even know she was a Witch. As a child, she would do things that were not typical of a Woodlands child, so at least she knew she was different. She would see spirits…what some call Ghosts…and even interact with them.

The farm couple who adopted her would be doing typical farm community things, such as attending gatherings of other farm folks at a neighbors farm for various reasons. At one particular farm family’s place, the Witch saw a couple of children that nobody else saw. They were playing around a hay stack, running around behind it peeking out from around it and so forth. The Witch attempted to play with them, but being unaccustomed to direct attention from the living, the children disappeared.

One day, while sitting on the ground playing, the Witch blurted out “Bulls gonna get out”. The next evening, her adopted dad returned to the house all sweaty and exhausted. Her mom asked him “Where have you been?”. He answered “I just spent all afternoon getting the bull back in.”

Now after a few years, the farm couple also adopted a little boy, so the Witch had a little brother. He was a tad mischievous as little boys can be, and would often abscond with one of dad’s tools from the workshop and leave it where he was playing. One day, dad was asking mom where such-and-such tool was. The Witch overheard, and had a vision of where it was, and being helpful told them. Now mind you, these were ordinary folk who had no real concept of anyone, let alone a child, having access to information outside of the normal senses of touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell. They assumed that since the Witch knew where it was that she had been the one who left it there. They considered knowing such things as “Guilty knowledge”. If she knew, she must be guilty. And her little brother, being mischievous by nature, was not going to admit to being the one who left the tool there.

The Witch got in trouble for things she didn’t do many times before she learned to just keep quiet about such. Because of this sort of thing, the Witch learned that not only was she different, but that being different was something to try and hide. So began her efforts to NOT be a Witch.

As she grew, she found that she really didn’t fit in with the farm community. Her adoptive parents were an old-fashioned farm family where girls were to marry a farm boy and the farm boys were to grow up to marry a farmer’s daughter and take over the family farm. She never really fit in with their way of thinking, and was more of the intellectual type. She was always thirsting for knowledge and did not want to marry for the sake of producing future male farmers/heirs. Her parents paraded many potential mates across her path, in the guise of buying grain from her dad or borrowing some implement, to catch her eye but none did. Unbeknownst to her, they were hoping that someone would interest her enough to get her married off, just like her female cousins did. She was practically an old maid at the age of nineteen. Being the intellectual type, she decided to attend the college in the center of the Woodlands community, hoping that there she may connect with other intellectuals and gain a sense of belonging.

Among the student groups at this college was one focused on the Christian Mystery School. Being raised by members of a sect of the same, she was drawn towards them initially. She attended some of their meetings, and it seemed as though she may have a group of similar people. Intellectuals who were also Christian. Like most Christian organizations, they studied and spoke of the Miracles recorded in the Bible as if they believed that the Christian God answered prayers with miracles in the past.

Now in order to get back and forth between the farm and the college, the Witch had obtained an older car. This car was a good car, but used oil. It either leaked it or burned it, but adding engine oil to the car was a regular thing. Almost as regular as adding gasoline.

Anyway, since the Christian group had been discussing miracles, including the one mentioned in the second book of Kings, Chapter 4 where a miracle of a supply of oil was performed, she decided that it was appropriate to pray over her car. So she did. Lo and behold, it stopped using oil.

She was very excited to have a manifestation of an actual miracle and was more than ready to share such a testimony with the group. However, rather than be excited and happy for her, the group called her a Witch. This was not the first time such a label was attached to her, but it was perhaps the time that convinced her she may actually be a Witch.

Now most of the Woodlands people considered Witches to be bad and evil, and not wanting to be bad or evil she tried very hard to not be a Witch. Now there were other Mystery School groups in the area, some of which were more than happy to focus on being evil. They were very accepting of Witches and there was an appeal to the Witch in their acceptance. The temptation was strong for her to give up on being good and just be a Witch. As luck would have it, if you believe in such silliness as luck, this is right around the time she encountered the Dragon.

Now the Dragon was well versed in the Christian Mystery School, including acceptance of not only past miracles, but miracles still happening. The Dragon had interacted with sects of the Christian Mystery School where such things were not only allowed, but sought. It is with his knowledge of such things that he befriended her and encouraged her to be good AND do the things she did. He avoided the label of “Witch” for quite some time in order to avoid the evil and bad connotations that such a label had among the people of the Woodlands. Nevertheless, the Witch grew in acceptance of what she could do while knowing that she could still be good. There came a time in their relationship that the label of “Witch” was brought up and discussed, including how the “bad” and “evil” connotations were improperly associated with it.

Eventually, the Witch accepted that she was indeed a Witch, being born a Witch, and that she could be and was “good”. You see people are jealous of others who seem to be “more” than they are, and brand them “evil” or “bad” in order to feel better about hating them.