Toroidal Fields

There is a topic which has been rolling around in my head for a while. I found a post from a friend on Facebook that said it well.

“Phenomenal research has been done to show what the different toroidal shapes look like of different letters and sounds – especially vowels, then as we speak, these toroidal fields that we manufacture and create with our mouths – infinite forms, shapes and creativity that we manifest actually become SCALAR WAVES and scalar technology that permeate all of creation instantly.

It doesn’t take light years for the thoughts we have or the words we speak to permeate all of creation; it happens instantly.

The toroidal field…assumes the shape of the torus – reminiscent of a donut or vortex, it serves as a gateway connecting multiple dimensions and providing a conduit for the flow of energy and information.

Within the realm of esoteric philosophy, the toroidal field is considered the fundamental structure underlying the fabric of reality itself … believed to serve as gateways to unseen dimensions bridging the gap between the physical and metaphysical.

Research and observation have revealed that the toroidal fields are not abstract constructs but are intimately intertwined with the human experience of language and communication. There exists a fascinating correlation between the shapes of toroidal fields and the sounds we produce with particular emphasis on vowels.
When we vocalize different letters and sounds, the intention behind the sound combines with the physical mechanisms of our vocal apparatus giving rise to a distinct torroidal pattern….”
I’ve quoted it directly here, but I sent this to me in an email and unfortunately can’t give proper credit.

Let’s go a bit farther along this path though. I have been contemplating the toroidal fields around matter for some time. These fields are electrical, magnetic, gravitational, scalar and more. They exist around atoms, subatomic particles, molecules and structures built of molecules from the smallest crystal to the entirety of creation.

Language is lacking a truly comprehensive description, but I believe it is through the interaction of these fields that Quantum Entanglement (QE) manifests. It is through QE that what Einstein called “Spooky action at a distance” occurs. When it is stated in Esoteric circles that “everything is connected”, this is the mechanism of said connection. An atom’s field is construction by the interaction of the subatomic particles’ fields. A molecule’s field is constructed by the interaction of the atoms’ fields. A complex structure’s field is constructed by the interaction of the molecules’ fields and so forth.

Electromagnetic signals modify/interfere with these fields, as they are partially made up of electromagnetic energy. For instance, at 60 gigahertz an oxygen atom’s electrons alter their behavior such that normal oxygenation cannot occur. This is the main reason I am opposed to cell 5G, as it includes this frequency. This is a weapons frequency, as a strong signal AT 60 gigahertz is deadly. That 5G tower is a weapon if the one controlling it chooses to make it so.

Nonetheless, and understanding of how to create and manipulate the material world through the use of toroidal fields is developing.

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