With all the current understanding of “community standards” and post suppression or deletion on Facebook, Twitter and other “social media” accounts, now is a good time to discuss the Censor. I don’t address the individuals involved in implementing censorship in media, but the awareness of their work provides a ready framework for this topic. The actual focus here is your subconscious. That part of you mind which operates in the background, without your conscious awareness. Well, the focus here is actually on the barrier between your consciousness and your subconscious. I call this barrier the “Censor”. Its job is to prevent/allow thoughts into your subconscious. In the field of Psychology, it is called the Logic Barrier. It is the gatekeeper of your subconscious.
During our formative years in this life there are many influences which contribute to the construction of our Censor. Those of us raised in “Church” have external definitions of good and bad, right and wrong, sin etc… drilled into us in Sunday School, at home and elsewhere. Then comes formal “education”, where we are taught that the only things which are “real” are the things we can perceive with our “five senses”. The quandary this sets up is that reality is far more complex than that which we perceive with the “five senses”. We are taught the laws of physics. We are taught to respect “authority” and the structures that come with it. In other words, an idea of the structure of existence is given to us when we are too young to have a Censor.
There are at least two aspects of this Censor that I wish to address, but this post will address the one “instant” to my current pursuits, that is my current area of study.
Most of us have experienced “something” at some time or other that absolutely violates the “laws of physics” and “reality” as we have been programmed to believe. Many of us have witnessed “miracles” of some nature or another where it is completely illogical for something to have happened, given the assumption that “reality” consists only of what we have been taught is “real”. The very stories used to build into us a concept of God include many such things. Calming storms, healing, and even raising the dead are such Miracles we are told to have happened.
The creative miracles I have experienced in my life to date…and there are a few…have had two things in common. Strong belief and strong emotion. See my post on “Creation, How It Happens” for more on that topic. What I wish to address here is how to get something into your subconscious as a strong belief in order to use the power of creation with more intention, which is to say with YOUR intention. Such is the work of what has been historically know as “Magic”, and indeed it is magical to see it happen.
I am currently delving into what is known as “Sigil” magic. You’ve likely seen the odd symbols scratched into a post or a wall at some time, or printed in some obscure book on the Occult and wondered what they were. Similar to gang graffiti, they are highly stylized and very personal in nature. The basic process is to get a thought or intent past your Censor directly into your subconscious. Sigils are very personal…at least the kind I am working with. Their meaning is completely obscure to any but the one who creates them. Their purpose is create a subconscious connection between the Sigil and the thought, separate from the understandable words of the thought. There are techniques to bypass the Censor which involve meditation, repetition or chanting and even sex. The technique of using a Sigil to work your own magic is summed up thus:
- Decide on the words which express your desire. Keep it simple, direct and forceful. Use things like “I WILL” as opposed to “I WISH” or “I WANT”.
- Develop a pictorial representation of the words which is somewhat obscure. The method for developing this is personal and unique to each, and by going through this method the connection of the finished Sigil with the original thought is established. Two common ways are using letters to define the diagram or simple pictures. One such method is to write the thought in all capitals, then eliminate the duplicates so that each of the letters is only used once. Get a paper and pencil and scribble using the letters as the basis for various shapes within your drawing. Get artistic.
- Many Sigils that are more group oriented than individual are created by using Latin or Hebrew writing…very precise, but obscure enough to pass the Censor (unless you use Latin or Hebrew frequently). You can also create what is called a Mantric Sigil, or one which uses sounds as opposed to drawing. Such Sigils are used by chanting them or playing a recording on repeat. Often a “spell” or “incantation” in Latin is used, again because our Censor will not automatically block it.
- The next thing to do is to get the INTENT of the Sigil into your subconscious, bypassing your Censor. Using meditation, repetition or even sex, get your Censor quieted for a moment. At that moment, focus on your Sigil (if a diagram) or speak it (if mantric).
The intent is to get YOUR message into YOUR subconscious in spite of YOUR Censor.
Then, get out of the way. Let your subconscious do its work. One technique is to “laugh” to break the trance and get your mind OFF of what you are doing. It is best to not give it another thought, as that brings it back into your Censor’s focus, and allows doubt.
A Mantric Sigil can also be used as a power word as well…spoken forcefully at the time desired to bring forth manifestation. If you doubt NOT, it shall be.
Music is another way to bypass the Censor, as it can induce a trance-like state. It is in such a state that your Censor…the gatekeeper of your subconscious…is lulled to sleep. Another way is through hallucinogenic drugs. A combination of these ways is very powerful indeed. Jimmy Hendrix was a fan of LSD, and said of it that when his audience was on LSD, his playing and songs could reach right into their subconscious. I believe he called it their “souls”, but he believed he had direct access during those times. I believe he did. While the use of such drugs may be ONE way to dance around your Censor, I don’t recommend it. A reason to avoid such is the lack of control. Once your Censor is lulled into sleep, ANYTHING can get past it. You want your Censor out of commission just long enough to get YOUR thoughts and desires past it. The objective is to get past your Censor with a message that YOU WANT to your subconscious, and not to disable your Censor needlessly and allow all manner of “suggestions” entrance. The desire to do this is properly motivated by wanting to get past your childhood programming, but safely and with purpose.
One thing Aliester Crowley said was that to “gain insight into the things of the other world” we should learn how to do things backwards. Walk, talk, write, read etc… In modern terms, that would include playing recorded music backwards…which was the topic of interest in the 80’s concerning back masking and such. What this is in reality is a means to get past the Censor, directly to your subconscious. We have all been taught that Crowley was evil, and I won’t argue that point. However, he had some good things to say as well. My favorite quote of his is “I do not want to father a flock, to be the fetish of fools and fanatics, or the founder of a faith whose followers are content to echo my opinions. I want each man to cut his own way through the jungle.”
Now Crowley was feared for his seeming ability to cast spells. Now for a Satanist or a Witch it is called casting spells. For a “man of God” it is called miracles. For a spiritualist, it is called manifesting. For the scientist, it is called quantum mechanics and entanglement. In any case, it is the physical expression of your subconscious thoughts…be they fears or desires…fueled by strong emotion…countering the so-called “laws of physics”.
It is the same operation that the Powers That Be have hijacked for the population. By instilling the thoughts of evil things into our subconscious…thoughts of “authority” (which I consider to be evil)…thoughts of impending doom and the like, and then fueling those thoughts with the emotions of fear, anger, hatred etc… they have us creating their desires.
In order to take our magic back, we must get past our Censor with our conscious desires, while insulating ourselves from “their” efforts to do the same. I have completely stopped watching TV or movies, or even news. The news is one of the worst at stirring up fear, but the “fiction” and “fantasy” of movies and other “stories” are a very productive medium of bypassing your Censor…as “it is just entertainment” or “just a story”. Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between a fantasy and a strong desire though and it takes it all with the same seriousness.
Much of “magic” involves summoning an entity to assist. I am opposed to such, as any such entity is first of all, unnecessary. We are all ONE with THE ALL, and anything a particular entity can do, we can do ourselves. Yes, I said it. Each and every one of us has such power within. In addition, since we have been prevented free access to the “realm” of such (see “Project Earth/Project Human” for my thoughts here) , we do not know the true nature or intent of any “entity”. Using such is not only unnecessary, but dangerous. I am also not a fan of “channeling” or the use of “Spirit Guides” for similar reasons. This may rub some people the wrong way, but I stand on my thoughts as mine. Your mileage may vary. That is to say, you do you. I do not write as some authority on the subject, merely as one learning something useful and wanting to share it.