Spirit Guides

While it is (I suppose) natural to seek a “guide” when in unfamiliar territory, there is substantial risk involved. I will reference the Biblical story of Saul, Samuel and the “Witch of Endor”. As the story goes, Saul had fallen out of God’s favor and was no longer receiving words or direction from God’s prophets. The prophet Samuel had recently died and Saul’s own efforts at eliminating “seers” and such who operated through “familiar spirits” had left him with nobody who could “see” what lie ahead. The Philistines had gathered to attack and Saul was understandably wanting direction, for he had grown accustomed to and dependent on Samuel’s insights.

So he sought one who had a “familiar spirit”. Now you can think of a “familiar spirit” as a “spirit guide”, for that is what they are. Interestingly enough, Saul asked his people about a “woman” who had a familiar spirit as if it were more likely to be that a woman would. Saul was pointed to such a woman known as “the Witch of Endor”.

Because Saul had issued decrees against such practices, he thought to disguise himself so she would not know it was him. He was behaving quite the hypocrite, seeking spiritual information in the very manner he had outlawed.

At any rate, as the story goes when the woman called upon her familiar to appear in the manner of Samuel, she was startled when it was actually Samuel who appeared. There are many things you can take from this story, but what I wish point out is that “ordinarily” the “familiar spirit” would appear to the woman…and then appear to her client as the spirit they sought. Such reveals the danger in consulting with an “entity” from what I call “the other side”. You do not know what you are dealing with, and cannot trust it. If you seek to contact a departed loved one, often some piece of “secret knowledge” is used to validate that the spirit you contact is actually your loved one. This is not valid, as there are no “secrets” on “the other side”. I know this due to my brief, but very real visit. All I wanted to know was known by me at that time.

My point in bringing this up is to illustrate the inherent danger of utilizing a “Spirit Guide”…or entity… on “the other side”, who’s purpose and intent for communicating with you cannot reliably be determined.

Does that mean you shouldn’t get information from “the other side”? No, it does not. The truth of the matter is that YOU exist on “the other side”. As I have mentioned elsewhere, I am fortunate to have not one, but two active “lucid dreamers” in my life. They both spend a significant amount of time on “the other side”.

Now the concept of “lucid dreaming” implies that one is asleep when it happens. Such is not always the case. What is necessary is an openness to what is termed “Extra Sensory Perception” or ESP. That is to say, input to your consciousness (perception) outside of the accepted five senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Most of us are taught when we are small that such things…information not gained through the “5”…are imagination. This is true in a qualified sense.

How many times do we discount or discourage a child’s experiences as “childish imagination” when they speak of something we cannot perceive with “the five”? We do them a disservice by poo-pooing it as merely “imagination”. We diminish their use of such, and thereby cripple their own creative powers.

In the government produced documentary on Remote Viewing (Third Eye Spies), it is revealed that the first step into this realm of Extra Sensory Perception knowledge is to “imagine”. Imagine that.

You already have inside of you the knowledge you seek. Not only is asking another entity to show you dangerous, but it is unnecessary.

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