Creation, How It Happens

Creation happens when two things agree. These things are “intent” and “belief”. When you believe that something will happen and have a strong emotional intent, it will happen. Now this emotional intent can be purposeful or reactionary. Fear is a powerful, reactionary emotion.

“for the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of has come upon me. I am not at ease, nor am I quiet; I have no rest, for trouble comes.” (Job 3:25–26)

Job’s “sin” was fear. A powerful emotion…driving creation when matched with belief.

Now amplify this by a factor of 7 billion. If all of media pushes a narrative long enough, the majority of the planet will believe it. If the majority of the planet also has a strong emotion (fear) concerning it, it will come to pass. This is the tool of the ones who want to destroy. The most easily created strong emotion is fear.

We are the “magicians”. We are tricked into creating the reality that they want.

Banish fear from your life. Guard your eyes and ears so that you do not accept the lies given as “reality”. Control what you believe and control your emotional state.

I have worked a handful of “miracles” in my life. Absolute miracles of creative work. In those instances, strong emotion and belief were the things they all had in common. It is not easy, but it is simple. Turn off the “media” and its constant misinformation stream and fear mongering. This is the main tool used to create a world the ones running things want.

Don’t be afraid to feel strongly. It is true that with strong feeling comes the potential to be hurt, but strong emotion is one part of the power of creation.

Use that tool for good. You ARE the magician. You ARE magic. Stop allowing your magic to be “borrowed” and used AGAINST you. Start using your magic FOR you.

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