The Left Path

I gained a different perspective on the Left Path the other day. Previously, I have described the paths as:


Start shit.


Start no shit.
Take no shit.


Take shit.

This sums it up fairly well, and MOST people actually walk the middle path unintentionally. The Right path is put forth as desirable, and the Christ’s and Buddha’s of the world walk it. However, it is put forth as desirable by some Alphas on the Left in order to be able to abuse people without them causing too much trouble.

Recently though I ran into a description of the Left Path as the path of the Rebel…the Lone Wolf…the Sigma personality. The Alphas lead others. The Betas follow an Alpha. Neither has ever held any particular weight with me, but the Sigma has always described me well. I am mostly asocial, in that I really have neither need nor desire to be social. I’m not antisocial, but mostly could not care less.

Since starting my journey, I have gradually refined my approach and how I categorize who I am becoming…or who I am discovering as ME. At one point, I realized that what I was doing was developing myself as a Chaos Magician. Upon further analysis, I found that Mystic was a more refined description, as a Mystic forges his own way…borrowing from various traditions and schools of thought as he sees fit. Such describes me well. When a Mystic works magic, it is in the manner of Chaos Magic.

What I have realized lately is that I have ALWAYS walked the Left Path. The Left Path is NOT the exclusive domain of the Alphas, but shared with the Sigmas.