The principle expressed in the 22nd chapter of Proverbs, verse 6 of the Christian Bible describes how unlikely it is to shake off the concepts of reality we are given as children.
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he shall not depart from it.”
This is presented as a good thing, but in reality it merely illustrates that concepts learned as a child are difficult to overcome. We enter this world with zero experience, and our instinct is to look to our parents for information. Our concepts of reality, right and wrong and existence are initially formed when we are very young.
It is common to totally reject actual experiences which don’t “fit” within the concept of reality you were taught as a child. I did that for quite some time…until the sheer volume of experience overwhelmed my ability to pretend such didn’t happen. When the tipping point was reached, I decided to believe nothing. When I set aside my “belief” system and started from scratch, a whole new realm of existence began to open up.
I know what I have experienced myself. I think beyond what I have experienced using logic, reason and the principle of Correspondence (As Above, So Below). As I gain more experience and additional information, what I think changes.
I find that those of particular “faith” are more or less static. They reject information which doesn’t fit within the confines of their dogma. I was there once, before Breaking Free.
The hallmark of my learning in recent times has been to go for the highest understanding and to avoid the use of any sort of “entity”, which carries with it the potential of being tricked by one with nefarious intent. Likewise, relying on an established Religion or belief system has you limited by what others put forth as “truth”. With the thousands of different “Gods” all around the world, the probability that one particular God is right (which necessitates that ALL of the others are wrong) is non existent. The more likely truth is that NONE of them are right.
I will read and listen to various things, looking at the information itself and looking within for resonance. Things which resonate with me are added to the “likely to be” category of what I think unless clear logic indicates otherwise…in which case they become topics of further investigation as my “Clear Logic” may have missing pieces.