I was once a KJV Only bible thumper. It took my death to break me free from that cult. The God of the Bible as stated therein is a narcissistic sociopathic genocidal maniac. The very idea of praising such a being for all eternity describes HELL with clarity.
The creator of the Universe (and any other Universes which may exist) is THE ALL, and all of creation exists within the mind of THE ALL. Separation from THE ALL is not possible. Eternal punishment is illogical, and if God is going to enforce it, he best enforce it upon himself as he is the worst offender of his own rules, according to the book ascribed as being the “Word of God”.
“Christianity” has been responsible for more human death and destruction of human history than anything. Rather than be a path to enlightenment and HOW to be a “good” man, it has been the source of the world’s most horrendous evil over the millennia. This is not restricted to Christianity either, as religion in general has followed this pattern for as long as there has been anrhropomorphic representations of “God” to “please”. Such has been the driving force of the most egregious evil man has imposed upon other man and most vehement hatred imaginable.
We have a very short time to rise above such if man is to survive as a species. Christianity will NOT accomplish this. Neither will Judaism, Islam or any other of man’s religions with the possible exception of Buddhism. To truly act out of Love for all of creation under your own will and not as a means to avoid eternal punishment requires outgrowing such childishness.
It truly is all about Love under Will. Once you understand this, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” makes perfect sense.