
Those who know me from Facebook, The Matrix Minds Media and the few who do in real life, know at least a portion of my “story”. I’m going to put a good part of it here, just for reference.

I was born a world traveler. My father grew up in west Texas, and got his adult life started in the west Texas oil fields, initially as a “rough neck”…which is a general oil field technician. He found his specialty in “doodlebugging”, which is trouble shooting and repairing the survey equipment (said survey equipment does exploration of the ground below the surface in order to determine the “best” or “most likely successful” places to drill for oil or gas). He took his skills upward from there into geophysical consultancy, which is a valuable skill when looking for underground resources.

While working his trade, his family…my mother and two brothers…often relocated to be near where he was working so that a weekend visit would be possible. As a result, I had both benefit and cost associated with my growing up. I grew up in many different schools quite literally around the world, so I do NOT have any “lifelong friends”. I did however benefit culturally by having experienced other cultures even while young.

I was raised Christian Science religiously. I refer to Christian Science as the “Grape Nuts” of religions. The reason I do that is that if you examine the ingredients of Grape Nuts you will find neither Grapes nor Nuts. It did however give me a foundational understanding of the metaphysical nature of existence, but fell short by calling this physical life “error”…which is a similar mistake the Gnostics make.

Anyway, after figuring that out I went into a “seeking” mode. I was not interested in the dull churches…those which deny the Prophetic and Healing gifts as “not for today”. I reasoned that if God was actually God, He would not change over time. If He ever did such, there is no reason He would not still do such.

I have experienced Healing from all three points of view…that of the recipient, an observer and the one actually working the healing. I have experienced healing while in Christian Science, in the Charismatic churches, outside of any church in the “name of Jesus” and in nobody’s name…by my own will…by magic if you wish.

I had my experience with the “Prophetic” movement within the Charismatic church, where I was “baptized in the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues” in the early 90’s. At one point I saw it as more “pathetic” than “prophetic”, as my wife and I were more readily able to give accurate prophetic words than the ones who were supposedly teachers in a “School of Prophecy”. We were always more on point than even the leadership. I walked away from the 501(c)3 non “prophet” corporate church around then, with some hopeful revisits from time to time until the early 2000’s.

While in the prophetic churches, I came to be know as a “weather prophet”. I seemed to be able to predict what was going to happen, and weather always “cooperated with me”. It could be raining cats and dogs while I was inside the car or a building, but when I needed to go from one to the other it would let up to a light sprinkle or stop entirely…only to let loose again once I was back under cover.

After I gave up the “corporate” church entirely, I still clung to “Christianity”. The scripture “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he shall not depart from it” is a message about the “permanency” of childhood indoctrination. See “Breaking Free” for more.

Sometime around 2010 I made the conscious decision to set everything I “believed” aside and start from scratch. While the initial start of my journey can be traced to My Death, taking active steps on it began when I set the last of my “belief” aside…see “Overcoming Childhood“. Among the “active steps” I have taken in the last decade plus is actively causing change in the weather by my intention, which is nothing if not magic.

Since then, it has been an interesting ride to say the least. Read about my “story” in “The Dragon And The Witch“, which has six chapters as of August of 2024 with more to come.

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