Local Tribal Gods

Have you ever wondered why different “peoples” around the world worship a similar, but different “God”?

Consider that we are a created workforce for the creator species, who set themselves up as “gods”. It would be logical that the local “God” would be similar, but different, from the one who was considered “God” elsewhere.

All peoples have a similar “creation” story, but their “God” has a different name and a slightly different personality.

Skirmishes between too closely located peoples could be motivated by the differing “God” of each…and differences in “Religion” have been the motivation behind most wars for centuries.

“My God is the One True God!”

“No, my God is the One True God!”

“Blasphemer! You must die!”

Ad infinatum.

It has been said that when the last King is hanged with the entrails of the last Priest, we will be free. I say when the last God is banished. Then we will be free.