Flight Of The Navigator

Do you remember this movie?

Young David Freeman is out in the woods near his home in Fort Lauderdale when he falls down a ravine and is knocked unconscious. Waking up he finds that the world around him has advanced by 8 years but he hasn’t. After being reunited with his overjoyed parents, it becomes apparent that David has had an encounter with an extra terrestrial life form, which of course greatly interests the authorities…

What they touch on, without giving too many details, is that the ET ship “needed” his skills. What could that mean?

Sometime ago, the Draco (the species from the Alpha-Draconis system) “lost” their Telekinesis ability. This may be due to excessive inbreeding or other reasons, it is unclear. Nevertheless Telekinesis is extremely important to them.

The ones the ET’s “abduct” show promise of having telekinetic ability. This ability to “steer” a spacecraft mentally, or even larger objects such as planets or even stars. The CIA has been using this for some time, and cultivating such ability is the primary reason for the MK Ultra program. This was used to cause the UFO crash at Roswell. It is absurd to think that a species capable of interplanetary or interstellar travel cannot maintain control in Earth’s atmosphere. A UFO “accident” is highly unlikely. Also don’t believe for a moment that the MK Ultra program has been stopped.

If you watch this video, you will learn that there are no “particles”. Tesla was right. Everything IS vibration. If there are no particles, then what does a “particle accelerator” actually do?

It is also likely that Telekinetic ability is necessary to use a stargate “naturally”, and the actual purpose behind CERN and other “particle accelerators” is likely to activate a stargate without the consciousness level necessary for “natural” Telekinesis. One possible use for Telekinesis to operate a stargate is to position the “other end” of it. If you think of it as a wormhole, positioning the worm to land you where you want may be a Telekinetic function.