The West’s controlled mass media vomits endless lies & propaganda demonizing Putin & Russia – falsely claiming Putin invaded Ukraine “for no reason” or because he’s a megalomaniac bent on building a new Russian Empire.
Reality: the interests controlling western governments & NATO are to blame for the war in Ukraine.
Forgotten history: in 1990 US Sec of State Baker assured the Russians that NATO would never expand eastward – the US LIED & NATO incorporated former Soviet Block countries of Eastern Europe. A pro-Russian government, that the US itself had recognized as legitimately elected, was in power in Ukraine but when it did not wish to give large western companies permission to exploit Ukraine’s rich natural resources, the CIA used black ops American military personnel to engineer a coup that overthrew the Ukrainian government in what was called the Maidan Revolution of 2014 which led to the installation of a pro-western puppet government that signed away the rights to the country’s natural resources the very first day it took office! (The Biden family was richly rewarded for supporting the coup, by among other things, the totally unqualified Hunter getting million$ in payoffs via the Ukrainian Burisma energy company).
The new puppet government also began severely abusing Russians living in the eastern regions of Ukraine such as the Donbass, where ethnic cleansing of Russians was attempted. Russia was naturally distressed and dismayed by western treachery in Ukraine but patiently endured the outrages while protesting. Recently the West’s anti-Russian military alliance, NATO, which duplicitously incorporated Eastern Europe, began discussions aimed at making Ukraine a member. For Russia this would mean bringing the enemy’s most powerful military weapons into what had long been territory of Russia itself (both under the Tsarist Russian Empire and under the Soviet Union). Naturally such an outrage was an intolerable provocation for Russia which quite reasonably viewed it as an “existential threat”.
Putin repeatedly stated that this was unacceptable and would “cross a red line”. Despite stark and repeated public warnings issued by Russia and extensive Russian diplomatic efforts which aimed at the simple resolution of having NATO and Ukraine provide assurances that Ukraine would NOT join NATO, both NATO and the Ukrainian puppet government pointedly refused to provide such assurance and continued moving forward with the project of Ukrainian entry into the anti-Russian alliance. What choice then did Putin have?
He could have allowed his nation’s security to be fundamentally compromised by permitting the enemy’s military into what had been for centuries the Russian heartland and agricultural breadbasket or he could act to remove the western puppet government in Ukraine before it formally allied itself to his enemy and dramatically undermined the safety and security of his people. With all of his patient diplomatic efforts to avoid conflict spurned, Putin’s hand was forced by western aggression and intransigence.
No reasonable leader who cared about his own country and people would have handled things any differently than Putin. In fact, in a closely analogous previous conflict, America’s President John F Kennedy viewed Russia’s placement of missiles in Cuba as an “existential threat” to the United States and had they not been removed, Kennedy had planned to invade Cuba and topple the pro-Russian Castro government there.
That showdown in 1962 was virtually the mirror image of the current conflict but Kennedy was rightly viewed as a heroic leader who was willing to invade a neighboring country in order to topple a government that threatened the security of the American people. Putin’s invasion must not be viewed any differently than Kennedy’s willingness to invade Cuba. War is always tragic and I sympathize with the Ukrainian civilians now caught in the crossfire but it is the western military-industrial complex and not Putin which is to blame for their terrible present suffering.