Is Satan An Egregore?

Does Satan Even Exist?

Egregore (sometimes spelled Egregor) is an esoteric concept representing a non-physical entity that arises from the collective thoughts of a distinct group of people.

An incorporated business is an Egregore. The group of people who found a corporation set the initial purpose and values, but a corporation often outlives its founders and develops its own personality over time, or “corporate culture”. For example, I’m sure today’s “Walmart” bears little resemblance to Sam’s initial vision.

Now “Satan” is derived from ancient Hebrew meaning adversary, accuser, an opposing God; however, in the oldest versions of Hebrew Bibles there was NO Satan with a capital “S,” and in early Hebrew traditions, there was NO devil, demons, nor hell. Also, ancient Hebrew and Aramaic were not even a language until around 1000 BC, whereas Egyptian and Sumerian written languages are the most complex and oldest, dating back 7000 years. “Elohim” did not exist. “Satan” did not exist. “El” did not exist, nor did “YHWH” nor “Allah” during the most ancient days of Egypt and Sumer. It would be an interesting thing indeed to discover that “we” have created all of these “beings” by our collective belief.

YHWH was mortal according to proper translations – see the 2016 theological conference in Milan, Italy, with ancient language translator Mauro Biglino Vs. High ranking priest, pastor, Rabbi and reverends. You can watch the entire conference for free at the link here. Mauro (as well as many others) proves that the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic Bibles have severe mistranslations, changing the entire story of the bible. The entire creation story, Adam & Eve story, Garden of Eden story, and great flood story right up to an Anunnaki God Enki warning Ziusudra NOAH (blonde hair blue eyes ) to build an ark was written thousands of years before Judaism, Christianity, or Islam ever existed in ancient Egyptian and Sumerian texts.

There are lower vibrational entities that can manifest even by our own thoughts, but there is no such Satan as we think; it was used to scare people into submission to the church, and every one covering themselves with the ‘blood of Jesus’ has not even a scriptural bearing of truth, and simply handed down dogma from men.

Now based on this line of thought, is it possible that our concept of God is an Egregore? I don’t doubt that the Universe was created intentionally by some overarching force. I call that force THE ALL, which is addressed a bit more here. Pythagoris called it the Monad, which is the first thing that came into existence.

However it is entirely possible and perhaps even probable that an entity exists which we call “God” but is actually an Egregore spawned by our corporate belief, the collective consciousness of mankind over the millennia. This “God” could perform miracles, speak to us audibly and do all of the things we would associate with “Godness”. I have personally heard what I considered at the time the “Voice of God” audibly on three different occasions. Such a “God” no longer fits my concept of “the God of Creation” though, as the deeper I dig the less a “God” with a “personality” fits.

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