A Disaster Is Coming

What will happen to Earth after Finals Week? I’m not saying this will happen, but it is a possibility.

We Are Connected

I remember some years ago being aware of an experiment involving frogs. The nerve on the leg of one frog “Donor” was transplanted onto another frog “Recipient”. When touching the nerve on Recipient’s leg, Donor’s leg would kick. This implied that “somehow” the nerve was still connected to/communicating with Donor’s nervous system. They tried to… Continue reading We Are Connected

Human Origins

Humanity is an engineered species. The evidence is on chromosome 2. Also, look here for some more details on Chromosome 2. Not only engineered, but hybridized as well. The engineers were one alien species. The hybridizers were others…I think up to three other species have contributed their DNA to the mix. The original engineers used… Continue reading Human Origins

Sitchin Was A Hack

Once discovering Zechariah Sitchin’s work “The Lost Book Of Enki”, I was introduced to the Sumerian tablets and their tales of creation. Sitchin was no Anthropologist though, and often his translations of the Cuneiform scripts are tainted by an underlying motivation. I give credit where credit is due. His “work” got me started digging deeper,… Continue reading Sitchin Was A Hack

Remote Viewing Is Real

This is a video about the CIA project concerning remote viewing. When they say they stopped the project in 1995, you can sure that it is far more likely that they renamed it and sent it underground. It is far too valuable for “Intelligence” to simply stop it. If it won’t play from here, try… Continue reading Remote Viewing Is Real

Game Over

The outcome is already decided. What remains is your choice to be on the winning side or not.