What the Hell?

The concept of “Hell” from a historical perspective: In the Old Testament, there is no place like “Hell” as a place of eternal torment and punishment. In the Old Testament, only one place is described (Sheol) where the dead reside; there is never any mention of torment or eternal punishment. Holy men such as Abraham… Continue reading What the Hell?

Mystery School

What is a “Mystery School”? A Mystery School is a place where knowledge is learned which is not readily available to just anybody. Some knowledge is kept out of common hands for safety’s sake. A Mystery School has basically three divisions. Enumerated these are: Initiates Adepts Masters Within these categories will be levels or degrees.… Continue reading Mystery School

The Turning

The Exoteric (outward, public, easily accessible) Christian Church did everything in its power to eradicate the Esoteric (private, little known) Christian Church. The culmination of this effort was seen in the burning of the library at Alexandria. It is said that the burning lasted six months, such was the volume of literature destroyed. All that… Continue reading The Turning

A Look At Chaos Magic

What is Chaos Magic? First we have to realize that in this topsy-turvy world, good is bad, wrong is right, up is down, weakness is strength and so forth. Let’s start with the words themselves. Chaos has been given a bad name. It is assumed by many to mean wild and disorganized. This is a… Continue reading A Look At Chaos Magic

Looking For A Savior

Picture and bulk of the bullets taken from a recent Facebook post by Sara Speer Selber with credit given to Riccardo Dablah Indians have been waiting for Kalki for 3,700 years. Buddhists have been waiting for Maitreya for 2,600 years. The Jews have been waiting for the Messiah for 2500 years. Christians have been waiting… Continue reading Looking For A Savior

The Few

The one who was opposed to man being created with intelligence and capacity to understand right from wrong was understandably upset at the unauthorized genetic upgrade the front line engineers did. “Who has told you you were naked?” The “heavenly” body of the creator species went to war with each other over this. The so… Continue reading The Few

Slave Masters Returning?

We were created as a slave species, to do the work of mining gold and producing the food necessary to support both us and the slave masters. They screwed up when they used some of their own DNA in the mix, to get us intelligent enough to perform satisfactorily at our intended tasks. The use… Continue reading Slave Masters Returning?


Long before the introduction of idolatry into religion, the early priests caused the statue of a man to be placed in the sanctuary of the temple. This human figure symbolized the Divine Power in all its intricate manifestations. Thus the priests of antiquity accepted man as their textbook, and through the study of him learned… Continue reading Idolatry

OOBE’s, NDE’s, Lucid Dreams and Astral Travel

The Twice Born ritual culminated in an intentional Near Death Experience (NDE). The duration of the “Death” was 7 days from the writings we have, which rather obviously exceeds reasonableness if the one involved were actually dead. The information that we have is incomplete, and even says so within itself, so we have to extrapolate… Continue reading OOBE’s, NDE’s, Lucid Dreams and Astral Travel

Why Corruption?

I have been studying the Mystery Schools…beginning with the original one in Kemet. At some point I realized that all “Religions” are nothing more than a “Mystery School”, having their roots in the original. Now in the original, there was a requirement when seeking rank within the School and within the surrounding Society, any sort… Continue reading Why Corruption?