Consciousness, Daemons and Magic

When you cast a spell, you may create a Daemon…a discreet unit of consciousness. Most such daemons have a limited span of existence, expiring when the spell accomplishes your intent…or fails to.

Some spells are done quickly enough it may not be apparent that any consciousness left you at all. Such are projected intent and remain connected to you.

Some Daemons continue longer and exist as Egregores and can be utilized by others. Corporate (a body of people) belief in their existence sustains them. These are the Daemons of Solomonic and Goetic magic and similar, but may also include entities such as Lucifer or Satan, and dare I say it…Yahweh and those known as Angels. I have not used such and see no need to thus far. The price set for the utilization of an Egregore Daemon is set by the Daemon, and must be understood and agreed to if you intend to work with such. Such working is not to be taken lightly.

I prefer to work with my own consciousness and limited special purpose Daemons who cease to exist when done. The power of such a created Daemon is related to the power of your own consciousness.

How conscious are you?