Spirit Guides

While it is (I suppose) natural to seek a “guide” when in unfamiliar territory, there is substantial risk involved. I will reference the Biblical story of Saul, Samuel and the “Witch of Endor”. As the story goes, Saul had fallen out of God’s favor and was no longer receiving words or direction from God’s prophets.… Continue reading Spirit Guides

Covid-19 Was Never A Virus

Coronavirus literally translates as “The Pope’s Venom”. 19 Toxic venom proteins in King Cobra venom, which is another translation of “Coronavirus”. Covid-19? https://rumble.com/v10miez-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html

January, Janus

The Hidden Meaning of the New Year The Jesuits and a particular Jesuit named Christopher Clavius would write, design and create the calendar that we use today, called the Gregorian calendar introduced in 1582 by Clavius and Pope Gregory XIII. Now they also put a another holiday on that calendar called April Fool’s Day..why? Well… Continue reading January, Janus

Twice Born

The Ritual of the Twice Born ~These things must not be entrusted to common folk, neither must they be degraded by disclosing them to such as would profane them. They were once reserved for those who were exalted in wisdom and virtue. In those days of Harempta, Mouth of God on Earth, they were hidden… Continue reading Twice Born

Principles Of Existence

This is the text of a book called “The Kybalion” written in the early 1900’s as a study of the principles and writings of Hermes Trismegitus. TO HERMES TRISMEGISTUS KNOWN BY THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AS “THE GREAT GREAT” AND “MASTER OF MASTERS” THIS LITTLE VOLUME OF HERMETIC TEACHING IS REVERENTLY DEDICATED Table of Contents I.… Continue reading Principles Of Existence

And More One World Religion

As with all videos here, they are in mp4 format. If you on an Apple product, you may only get to see them if you uncheck “free video formats only”.

The One World Religion

There already is a One World Religion. If you can’t play this video, and are using an i-Phone, i-Pad or Apple computer, try unchecking “only play free video formats” or find the source…

The Ba’al Theory Of Christianity

Do we have it all wrong?Look at the characteristics of the Biblical god “Yahweh” and look at the Sumerian creator/god Enlil. It becomes pretty obvious that these are the same entity. Now look at Ba’al and Enki/Ea. These appear to be likewise. If you can’t play these, the source material can be found here.