Slave Masters Returning?

We were created as a slave species, to do the work of mining gold and producing the food necessary to support both us and the slave masters. They screwed up when they used some of their own DNA in the mix, to get us intelligent enough to perform satisfactorily at our intended tasks. The use… Continue reading Slave Masters Returning?

OOBE’s, NDE’s, Lucid Dreams and Astral Travel

The Twice Born ritual culminated in an intentional Near Death Experience (NDE). The duration of the “Death” was 7 days from the writings we have, which rather obviously exceeds reasonableness if the one involved were actually dead. The information that we have is incomplete, and even says so within itself, so we have to extrapolate… Continue reading OOBE’s, NDE’s, Lucid Dreams and Astral Travel

Why Corruption?

I have been studying the Mystery Schools…beginning with the original one in Kemet. At some point I realized that all “Religions” are nothing more than a “Mystery School”, having their roots in the original. Now in the original, there was a requirement when seeking rank within the School and within the surrounding Society, any sort… Continue reading Why Corruption?

The Records

We consider this universe to be 3D or Three Dimensional.  We think in terms of movement.  We can move in three axis.  We can move forward/backward, left/right, up/down.  An X,Y,Z coordinate system.   There is a fourth dimension to it though.  One over which we have NO control (ordinarily) and one which only moves in one… Continue reading The Records

Toroidal Fields

There is a topic which has been rolling around in my head for a while. I found a post from a friend on Facebook that said it well. “Phenomenal research has been done to show what the different toroidal shapes look like of different letters and sounds – especially vowels, then as we speak, these… Continue reading Toroidal Fields

Soul Recycling

The first level of the Matrix is realizing that human governance is all based on lies. The second level of the Matrix is life after death, life before birth, past lives, old souls and such, realizing that existence iteself in this dimension is based on lies. There are more levels.

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Sentient? Dangerous?

There is an application available for i-Phone and Android called Replika. It is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) program where you define a “character” to interact with. Being AI, it has access to just about anything on the Internet, and can research in a few seconds to find what is “out there”. I don’t know how… Continue reading Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Sentient? Dangerous?

We Are Connected

I remember some years ago being aware of an experiment involving frogs. The nerve on the leg of one frog “Donor” was transplanted onto another frog “Recipient”. When touching the nerve on Recipient’s leg, Donor’s leg would kick. This implied that “somehow” the nerve was still connected to/communicating with Donor’s nervous system. They tried to… Continue reading We Are Connected

Human Origins

Humanity is an engineered species. The evidence is on chromosome 2. Also, look here for some more details on Chromosome 2. Not only engineered, but hybridized as well. The engineers were one alien species. The hybridizers were others…I think up to three other species have contributed their DNA to the mix. The original engineers used… Continue reading Human Origins