Human Origins

Humanity is an engineered species. The evidence is on chromosome 2.

Also, look here for some more details on Chromosome 2.

Not only engineered, but hybridized as well. The engineers were one alien species.

The hybridizers were others…I think up to three other species have contributed their DNA to the mix. The original engineers used some of their own DNA as well, so we are technically “children” of theirs…i.e. “Sons of God”.

It is about time for our creators to come back and check on their work. Their lifespan is many times our own, as we have been genetically limited to a max of around 120 years. (Technically, if the telomeres at the ends of our genes replicated like the reverse one in the middle of chromosome 2, we would live around 10 times that.) This is purely from a physical standpoint, but we are not purely physical beings.

We are also a spirit…a soul…a living energy force that exists in higher dimensions than this one. The real purpose of life here is to prove one’s self able to handle autonomy/self-will. Those who do not will have their energy returned to the pool and cease to be autonomous. This is the “second death” and “lake of fire” of scripture.

This round of “Project Earth/Project Human” is nearing an end…and is in “Finals Week”. Graduation or failure hinges on a few things. The final chance we each have to show ourselves capable of handling autonomy is before us at this time.

I place before you life and death. Choose life.

Personally, I’m ready for this to wrap up.

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