The Two Pillars of Truth, The Middle Way, and The Luciferian.

Via Brain George
This is a post specifically inspired by a question from a member:
Q: Are there any realists here that arent thiestic or athiestic but kinda have their own take on it?
The reason why it is a good question is because it is one of the exact reasons The Luciferian Society exists. Commonly, with any concern that is esoteric or LHP, the remit falls into one of two camps, either theistic or atheistic, i.e. a practise based upon the actual belief in metaphysical influences, gods, etc or the worldview that there is nothing past the material universe and certainly no one supreme Being, or indeed Gods of any kind.
Certainly, when members first come into this forum, they immediately interpret its remit according to either one these ‘two pillars’. If they read the introduction pinned post for instance, it is usually read as a statement for atheism, which they are either in agreement with or against. Its actual message of Humanism through rational esoteric perspectives is not readily understood, or thought about carefully enough.
The ‘two pillars’ of Theism and Atheism are what generate the dualistic, divided reaction to the Society’s principles. It is a mindset that is the foundation of the whole of modern Western thinking. Today, its dualism is overarching, you either believe in gods, or you are a materialist, and these perspectives are conditioned into our society as the only two world views that one can live by.
My own research from an early age led me towards a very different world view. One that is entirely outside of this dualism. And it would not be a false claim to say that this perspective is the true occult, or ‘hidden’ path, which is neither atheism nor theism, left or right. The esoteric ‘proper’ approach, if you like, is the one that so many prominent figures in the history of both Eastern and Western mystery traditions have spoken about for centuries. And simply put, this is that there is something called ‘The Middle Way’. This is a perception, understanding, path or worldview, which was brought to common understanding in the last century through the publications and work of thinkers like George Gurdjieff, Wilhelm Reich, Carl Sagan, Frederick Nietzsche, Robert Anton Wilson, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Rudolph Steiner and many, many more.
The Middle Way is an all-encompassing ontology that bypasses the polar positions of either religion or atheism. It is the idea that the world and the place of human consciousness within it, is not based purely on just automated physical matter, but neither is it governed by omnipotent parent beings. In contrast to atheists, it rejects the empirical assumption that we are merely fleshy automaton in a materialistic, random world driven by the auto nature of atoms and subatomic particles . However, neither does it accept that the world was created by one supreme mind and all-powerful creator, or even many creators for an as yet unknown purpose.
The foundation of the Middle Way is the understanding that the answers are far more complex and manifold than the standard ‘two pillars’ of thought. And it is this complexity and uncertainty that makes The Middle Way a path which not only significantly diverges from the dualism of science and religion, but ensures it is the least trodden path. This is because it cannot offer any set principles, axioms, or certainties about existence and the nature of the universe/s we find ourselves in. Rather, it starts with the nature of human consciousness itself, simply because this is the very thing that perceives the universe! Consciousness is the thing that reacts to it, that interprets it. And of course, therefore it is the thing that ascribes meaning to it, to all things. So, The Middle Way always begins with the premise that to understand human consciousness, is to understand the meaning of all things!
The Middle Way then does accept the empirical evidence of science and scientific understanding as a valid process of consciousness. However, more importantly though, it seeks to explore the possibility that consciousness may not always be physical. For instance, it may exist across many other points in time, space, or higher dimensions. That it can as easily be discarnate from matter as incarnate within the flesh perhaps? Such an understanding then renders concepts like metaphysical and physical as utterly meaningless. Really, when one speaks of gods, or angelic beings and such like existing in the metaphysical realm, it is entirely pointless if human consciousness itself is part of that realm? The emphasis then is not on the existence of only physical beings or nonphysical beings as well. Rather, everything ‘just is’, as an extension to consciousness. If all things are connected, all things are therefore possible.
The Middle Way also understands that things have no fixed Being. Instead of ‘Being’, they are always ‘Becoming’. And ascribing a fixed principle, name, nature or aspect to things in the universe can therefore be an act of destruction. This is because it is a closing down to the possibility of knowledge. It is a denial to the evolution of it, which is the ‘becoming’ of that knowledge toward even more possibilities. Quantum science is in its infancy in this regard. It is a new baby born from its traditional parents of the ‘two pillars’. But like any new-born baby, it is just beginning to open its eyes to perceive the reality of this new perspective of the world, and all its new possibilities.
The efforts of both traditional science and religion to ascribe a fixed meaning to things in the world, to the ‘phenomena’ that human consciousness encounters all around itself, is an effort born of fear: Fear of uncertainty. It is from the fear of meaninglessness and the ceaseless tide of becoming towards nihilism and oblivion. It is the human innate need to fix something into place and provide certainty. How this is done, whether through a religious mind or scientific thinking is almost irrelevant. It is what is called the primal desire for ‘unconditioned truth’. And it is this is which makes both science and religion exactly the same entity in many respects.
The Middle Way therefore is a focus on human experience and human consciousness as the centre point to understanding the wider and greater universe, and the nature of existence itself. The standard religious and scientific mind are conditioned to do the opposite to this. They are conditioned to expect the universe to bestow meaning upon them. They endeavour to uncover, or wait, for the universe to provide truth as an external, fixed principle coming from the things themselves. What we have said is called ‘unconditioned’ truth. This is how both science and religion are the same creature. They both need unconditioned, immovable truth. It matters not if this is God, or the Big Bang. It needs to have certainty and also to come from the things themselves, whether observed in science, or believed by religion.
The Middle Way understands the esoteric truth that it is not the world that gives us meaning, rather it is us that gives meaning to the world.
This is just a small part of the openness and ‘no fixed’ approach of The Middle Way. It is also the only path to authentic freedom. Because it is a path that has discarded this fear and therefore the need for subservience to something higher, greater, better, to something beyond.

“Man is accustomed to dividing himself into two parts: One very paltry and weak, the other astonishing and powerful. He calls the former man and the latter God.”
Frederick Nietzsche
Contrary to the path of the divided ‘Two Pillars’, ‘The Middle Way’ is a path of wholeness. Of the natural, undivided state of a human. It is a perspective that accepts the methods and knowledge of science, but will never accept that this method, and the knowledge it yields, is fixed or privileged rather than forever becoming and changing. It is also a way of being that accepts the reality of discarnate consciousness, that there is something ‘other’ to itself existing in the universe. But it will never surrender freedom and the will to know in the comfort of a God’s breast.
Humans who therefore dare to tread the rocky, difficult and uncertain path of The Middle Way, are few. And for this reason, they can be called ‘Outsiders’. This is because humans demand certainty, and create whole cultures based on this demand, inventing Gods which are not Gods at all and scientific idols that are not truth.
The Middle Way is thus the only path to freedom, to power, to the actuality of discarding all of the mental traps of humankind. Terms and labels like theism and atheism become entirely meaningless in the endless possibilities of knowledge that exist to the walker of the Middle Way.
There is a common term that I hear a lot in the New Age, LHP and Pagan circles and this is the declaration that ‘I am not religious, but spiritual’. This statement is often said tritely and without any real understanding of its deeper meaning. In many instances the declarers continue with life on their knees worshipping something they perceive as greater, better, beyond. However, the sentiment inherent in being ‘spiritual over religious’ is not a false description of The Middle Way. If the connotations and religious definitions of the term ‘spirit’ are removed, we are left with the essence if its meaning. Spirit is the spark of consciousness, it is the will to ‘intend’ towards all things. It is the will to ‘Be’ and to ‘know’. It is the spark of a free, and open mind. A mind intent toward experience and endless knowing, through fearless connection with all things. This is spirit, and this is why it is the spiritual path. And yes, you will not be surprised that this is why The Middle Way is the authentic journey of a Luciferian life.
The Middle Way is THE path and walking that path is the great work. And like the Biblical allegory of Samson breaking down the two pillars that kept him chained to his slavery, it is synonymous with a life toward liberation and apotheosis. The Middle Way is the life of a Lucifer and is the reason that this very Society exists.
Debbie Cartwright
Founder – The Luciferian Society
December 2020


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