Schrödinger’s Consciousness

The Law Of One

Erwin Schrödinger’s statement, “The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings,” holds profound relevance to Hermetic philosophy, as it points directly to one of the most central tenets of Hermetics: the concept of The All.

In Hermeticism, The All is the unseen, infinite, and eternal source of all existence. It is the ultimate, unknowable reality that transcends all forms, names, and definitions. It is not a god in the traditional sense of an external entity, but rather the universal mind or consciousness that permeates and animates everything in the cosmos. The Kybalion, a key Hermetic text, states, “The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.” This means that all of existence is a manifestation of this singular consciousness, this living, thinking essence that creates, sustains, and experiences the universe through all beings. Schrödinger’s insight beautifully echoes this principle.

Consciousness as a Singularity

The idea of consciousness as a singularity implies that there is no true division between individual minds, and this realization is at the heart of what it means to pierce the veil of the Illusion. Most people perceive themselves as separate beings, isolated in their own experiences, but Schrödinger’s insight—and the wisdom of Hermetics—points us to a deeper truth. The seeming plurality of minds is merely an expression of one universal consciousness, just as the many waves on the ocean are all part of the same water. Each individual consciousness is a unique phase or aspect of the One Mind. We are, in a sense, The All experiencing itself in myriad forms.
This principle in Hermetics is often referred to as the Law of Correspondence, summed up in the phrase, “As above, so below; as below, so above.” The microcosm (our individual consciousness) reflects the macrocosm (the universal mind), and vice versa. When we understand that our individual mind is but a fragment of the One Mind, we begin to grasp that the boundaries we place between ourselves and others are illusory. We are not separate, but interconnected expressions of the same divine essence.

The Illusion of Separation

One of the greatest challenges humanity faces is the illusion of separation. This illusion manifests in countless ways: divisions between nations, races, ideologies, and even the belief that we are separate from the universe itself. It’s this sense of separateness that leads to fear, conflict, and suffering. Yet, from a Hermetic perspective, this is simply a result of not seeing reality for what it truly is.

Schrödinger’s statement invites us to transcend this illusion. Consciousness, as a singularity phasing within all beings, is like the light of a projector casting different images on a screen. We see the images as distinct and separate, but in truth, they are all generated from the same source of light. In the same way, we see ourselves and others as separate individuals, but we are all emanations of the same consciousness, The All.

When one begins to understand this, the barriers between oneself and others dissolve. This is the essence of what it means to cultivate divine consciousness within oneself. The ancient Hermetic teachings direct us to “Know Thyself,” which is not just a call to know one’s individual personality, but to recognize the deeper truth of one’s existence as part of the universal mind. This is true gnosis—knowing that you are an inseparable part of the divine consciousness.

The Practical Implications

What does this realization mean in practical terms? When you understand that your mind is not truly separate from the One Mind, you begin to act differently in the world. Your thoughts, intentions, and actions start to reflect a higher level of awareness. The illusion of separation dissolves, and you become aware that harming another is, in essence, harming yourself. The interconnectedness of all beings becomes more than just a concept; it becomes a lived reality.
From a Hermetic perspective, this realization aligns with the principle of Cause and Effect. Your actions, thoughts, and even intentions ripple through the collective consciousness, impacting not just your immediate surroundings but the entire fabric of reality. When you act from a place of love, unity, and understanding, you contribute to the elevation of all consciousness. Conversely, when you act from fear, division, or ignorance, you perpetuate the illusion and its consequences.

The Singularity of Consciousness in Spiritual Practice
Schrödinger’s insight also points to the value of inner spiritual practice. Meditation, contemplation, and other Hermetic practices allow us to tap into this singularity of consciousness. In these states, the individual mind dissolves into the greater whole, and we experience the interconnectedness of all life. This is the state of unity consciousness, or divine communion, where the boundaries between the individual and the universal melt away.

It’s in these moments that we experience the truth of Schrödinger’s statement firsthand. The realization that the total number of minds in the universe is one doesn’t just become a philosophical idea; it becomes a lived experience. You feel the flow of consciousness that permeates all beings, and you understand, not just intellectually but experientially, that you are not separate from others, from nature, or from the cosmos. This is the essence of enlightenment—the recognition that you are an expression of the One Mind, and so is everything else.

Consciousness and Creation

Furthermore, the idea of consciousness as a singularity phasing through all beings relates directly to the Hermetic principle of Mentalism—the idea that all of creation originates from thought. If consciousness is one, then the entire universe is a mental construct, a thought-form of The All. Each of us, as aspects of that singular consciousness, participates in this act of creation. Our thoughts shape our reality. Therefore, when we align our consciousness with the higher truths of unity and interconnectedness, we participate in the creation of a more harmonious, just, and enlightened world.
Conversely, when we cling to the illusion of separation, we perpetuate the chaos and division that we see around us. Hermetic teachings urge us to rise above the lower levels of mental vibration (fear, division, ego) and operate from a higher level of understanding and being. Schrödinger’s insight is an invitation to elevate our consciousness, to recognize our oneness with all life, and to become conscious creators in harmony with the divine.

A Call to Awakening

Schrödinger’s profound statement about consciousness as a singularity is not just a philosophical observation; it is a call to awakening. It aligns perfectly with Hermetic teachings that remind us of our true nature as aspects of The All, participating in the grand symphony of existence. To realize that the total number of minds in the universe is one is to see beyond the illusion of separateness and step into the truth of unity. This understanding is the key to unlocking higher levels of consciousness and contributing to the collective evolution of humanity.

As Hermetics teaches, when we align our mind with the universal mind, we become more than passive observers—we become active participants in the unfolding of creation. We are not isolated fragments but essential aspects of a single, infinite consciousness, constantly phasing, growing, and evolving within all beings.
In this way, the wisdom of Schrödinger, seen through the lens of Hermeticism, calls us to see the world not through the narrow lens of the ego, but through the expansive, all-encompassing vision of divine consciousness. The veil of separation is an illusion, and once it is lifted, we can truly see that we are, and always have been, One.

James William Kaler