Mystery School

What is a “Mystery School”?

A Mystery School is a place where knowledge is learned which is not readily available to just anybody. Some knowledge is kept out of common hands for safety’s sake.

A Mystery School has basically three divisions. Enumerated these are:

  1. Initiates
  2. Adepts
  3. Masters

Within these categories will be levels or degrees.

The initiates are those who have “joined”, but have not proven themselves worthy of the higher knowledge. These are those who fill the pews at your local church. These are those who have “joined” the Masons, and engage in the low level activities…the ones we see all the time…the parades, the “public service” events and the like.

These are also the ones who are taught the foundational allegories of the School in order to preserve and pass them on. The “Gospel” of the School if you would.

Those who show an interest and the capacity to understand are gradually raised through the ranks to become an Adept or a Hierophant. This is the level in which you are introduced to the deeper meanings behind the allegories and you start to understand what it is all about, a little bit at a time. Depending on how you prove yourself, you are given more and more of the Mysteries until you have the opportunity to become a Master. If you compare this to Education, you can say the Initiates are Primary School, the Adepts are Secondary (grades 6-12). The Masters are those with a college degree, and of course the higher level are graduate degrees.

In the beginning, there was one “Mystery School”. It was at Kemet (Egypt before it was called Egypt). The reason for keeping the higher knowledge from unlearned, unproven hands was purely practical, as it included such things as Chemistry and Physics. The Sciences which are easily used for good or evil. The same Chemistry and Physics used to efficiently hunt for food can be used in war.

In order to keep such things out of unworthy hands, in order to reach the higher levels in the School (and in society in general) it was necessary to become a Twice Born One. The Twice Born ritual was a way to purify your motivation. To ensure that the good of all was your motivation for everything. A Twice Born One is no longer concerned with personal gain in this life, as their view is larger.

At some point, the requirement to be a Twice Born One was dropped as a prerequisite to holding high degree in the School or high office in government. This allowed the unworthy to obtain degree and office, which eventually spread to the point we are now. There is corruption at the highest level of all Religion, Government, Education, Entertainment, Sports and so forth. Once the use of the higher knowledge for nefarious purposes started, it was the end of the true purpose for the Mystery Schools.

Nevertheless, the structure of the Mystery School remained and is in existence today in all Religious institutions. Christianity is no exception BUT…

The structure of the Mystery School has been gutted. The Adepts, and their work and purpose, have been removed from Christianity, leaving only the Initiates and the (corrupt) Masters. The formerly secret knowledge has been spread…at least the dangerous parts, like how to make weapons up to and including atomic ones. In an ancient Chinese document is reference to “how to separate fire from the Earth”, which I take to be atomic energy. Within that same document is the statement that “such knowledge is dangerous for a soldier to have”, which I take as a warning against nuclear weapons.

At any rate, consider that Christianity is really just a particular “Mystery School”, but one which has had its Adepts eliminated. The ones at the top are hopelessly corrupt and the ones at the bottom are kept hopelessly ignorant, taking the allegories as if they are fact.

From the early days, the allegories were used to explain what was observable in the skies (Astrotheology), and to give some semblance of “reason” so as to quell such fears as the Sun leaving “forever”. Furthermore, the allegories also provide a framework within which to describe desirable and undesirable behavior…good and evil.

Initiates will take “Belief” and give it the name “Knowledge” and will literally fight to the death in support of their particular flavor of Belief against those who differ…sometimes by even just a small amount. If man as a species is to survive, this must STOP.

See also “The Turning